
Mac vs PC Laptop Which Is Right for You

Choosing a Mac vs. PC laptop can be overwhelming when it comes to laptops. It would help if you considered so many factors before making this critical decision.

Mac vs PC Laptop
Mac vs PC Laptop

The first thing you should do is determine your needs for the computer. For example, if you primarily use your laptop to browse social media and stream videos, then a Mac may not be suitable for you. If, on the other hand, you’re an avid gamer who wants to play high-performance games without lag time, then a PC may be more your speed!

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about this topic in greater detail.

So when you feel like you’re ready for the next step, keep reading and discover the truths.

The History of Windows Laptops:

In 1981, Microsoft launched its operating system, MS-DOS, which was based on Digital Research’s CP/M OS to compete against Apple Inc.’s Macintosh.

It is essential to understand Windows laptops’ history to understand better how they work and what will best meet your needs. Microsoft launched its operating system, MS-DOS, based on Digital Research’s CP/M OS in 1981. Still, it wasn’t until 1985 that their first laptop called ‘Surface with Windows’ emerged and became available for purchase.

However, this early version did not have a mouse or graphical user interface (GUI). PC users were forced to use the keyboard as an input device instead of just typing commands into DOS prompt like they had been doing up until then!

Another fact about Surface laptops is that some models came with cordless wireless keyboards. Others had built-in cellular modems! But despite their bulky size and heft, these Surface laptops were quite advanced for that period! Unfortunately, they did not sell well, which resulted in Microsoft scrapping the entire project.

Surface Pro:

However, this was just the beginning of Windows’ laptop journey. After another decade passed by (and more than two decades since its launch), Microsoft finally released a successor to Surface. It was with Windows and it was called ‘Surface Pro’.

The most significant difference between these older models is that unlike Surface with Windows, Surface Pro had an attachable keyboard. Still, it also cost nearly $1000 when it first hit store shelves – making them costly computers indeed! However, even the most affordable model back then still costs over three times as much as a typical laptop would today. Not to mention, in today’s modern technology industry standards! is a world leader in Windows laptop standards.

It wasn’t until the early 2000s that Microsoft began to design and release laptops with LCD touchscreens. Thus, it’s safe to say their Surface models were quite a bit ahead of their time. Specifically considering how they preceded both Apple MacBooks and iPads by nearly 20 years.

The History of Macbooks:

Apple Inc. first unveiled their line of Macintosh computers in 1984, which came with a then-revolutionary graphical user interface, mouse input, and a desktop screen that was much easier to use than the text-based interfaces of PCs time.

However, they were costly compared to PCs and only had a market share of around 13% by 1990. But Apple persevered and continued to develop new Mac models, while also dropping the prices for their existing ones. This eventually led to them capturing over 50% of the personal computer market by 1997 – an impressive feat indeed!

Interestingly enough, it wasn’t until 2006 that Apple released their first laptop called MacBook. It broadly resembled (and competed against) Microsoft’s Surface Pro laptops from design. However, what helped set MacBooks apart from the competition was their use of Apple’s proprietary operating system called OS X. It ran with Intel processors like other laptops. This gave Macbooks a performance edge over PCs. They quickly became popular among students and creative professionals alike!

Today, MacBooks continue to be one of the most popular laptop choices on the market. This is true for those looking for something stylish, user-friendly, and fast!

The Differences Between Macbooks & Windows Laptops:

So, now that you have a little bit of background information on both Macbooks and Windows laptops, what are some of the key differences between them?

Well, one of the most apparent distinctions is that Macbooks use Apple’s proprietary operating system OS X instead of Windows like PCs do. This gives them a performance edge in terms of speed and stability, but can also make it more difficult for users to switch over if they’re used to Windows already.

Another big difference is that MacBooks tend to be more expensive than most PC laptops – with even the most affordable models costing several hundred dollars more than their equivalent counterparts. However, many people find that the extra cost is worth it because Macbooks come pre-loaded with helpful software and have a longer battery life than most Windows laptops. Design-wise, Macbooks are also typically sleeker and more stylish than most PC laptops, which can be either good or bad depending on your personal preferences.

And finally, another key difference is that Macbooks come with a standard one-year warranty from Apple, while most Windows laptops only offer 90 days of coverage. So, as you can see, there are quite a few differences between MacBooks and Windows laptops! Which one is right for you will largely depend on your individual needs and budget constraints.

What to Look for When Buying a Laptop:

If you’re looking for a new laptop, there are several key factors that you should consider to help ensure you get the best bang for your buck.

1. Price:

How much can you afford to spend? The higher-end MacBooks tend to be more expensive than most Windows laptops, so if the price is an essential factor in your decision, it may make sense to go with something else instead.

However, keep in mind that Macbooks do have longer battery lives and come pre-loaded with lots of helpful software, which PC laptops usually don’t include as standard!

2. Features:

What features matter most to you, such as touchscreen functionality or storage space? Can those functions be found on all models (including budget ones) or only high-end ones like the MacBook Pro?

Having a laptop that has a heavy feature-set is something to look forward to. A device that can do many things is preferred in any circumstance, regardless of the use case. Hence, a hybrid laptop will have both performance and aesthetics.

3. Operating System:

As we mentioned before, Macbooks use Apple’s proprietary operating system OS X instead of Windows, as most PCs do. This can be a pro or con, depending on your individual needs and preferences.

The operating system will heavily alter the way your workflow operates. It will determine how you will interact with applications, and also prevent you from installing certain applications in the first place.

4. Brand Name:

Some people prefer to go with the biggest brand name that they know, while others like to take a chance on something more obscure. Again, this can be either a pro or con depending on your preferences, but keep in mind that you will typically pay more for popular brands than lesser-known ones!

5. Battery Life:

Laptops are known for having short battery lives, so it’s essential to look at how long each model promises before needing to recharge. If you don’t want to bring your charger everywhere, opt for one of the models, which offers up between six and eight hours of juice per full charge.

6. Stability & Reliability:

Another significant factor is overall stability and reliability. If you’re looking into buying a Macbook, then you’ll be pleased to know that they are known for being both reliable and long-lasting.

On the other hand, Windows laptops can have various problems ranging from software glitches to hardware malfunctions. Hence, it’s essential to look into each one carefully before deciding on which model is suitable for your individual needs!

7. Style:

Another critical factor that many people consider when buying a laptop is how stylish or “cool” it looks because let’s face it – we all want something nice even if we don’t necessarily need it in our lives!

While this isn’t always an essential criterion, keep in mind that MacBooks tend to be more sleek and stylish than most PC laptops, so you may end up paying extra just because of that!

8. Warranty:

How long is the standard warranty for your chosen laptop model? Some models come with more extended warranties than others, so it’s essential to keep that in mind when making your purchase.

In the end, there is no one perfect laptop that will suit everyone – it all depends on what you need and what you’re willing to spend. So do some research, ask around, and read reviews before settling on a particular model! You’ll be sure to find the best one for you!

How to Ensure Your Laptop Lasts a Long Time:

If you’ve just invested in a new laptop, it’s essential to take good care of your purchase to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Here are some basic pointers on how best to do this:

1. Keep Your Laptop Clean:

Make sure not to spill food or liquids onto your keyboard, because even if the liquid doesn’t seep into the inner workings of your computer, any dirt and bacteria which get trapped underneath keys will eventually cause them to break down!

So try not to eat over your laptop while browsing online recipes for tasty dinners one night – keep those keyboards clean by keeping them out-of-the-way during mealtime hours 😉

2. Use Safe Browsing Habits:

You may think that using safe browsing habits is only something parents tell kids to scare them into behaving. Suppose you’re doing any research for school, work, or personal projects.

In that case, it’s important not to visit sites with malware, like phishing websites that attempt to steal credit card details by posing as other well-known reputable sites! Keep in mind that browsing habits can affect your laptop’s speed and stability, especially those involving risky websites.

3. Avoid Overheating Your Laptop: 

Batteries should never be allowed to overheat because this will damage their life expectancy. Try not to let your laptop sit under a heat source where possible (including direct sunlight). Prolonged exposure could cause problems down the line.

This is another reason why keeping food away from keyboards during mealtimes is a good idea – if something spills, it can easily cause the laptop to overheat!

4. Regularly Back-Up Your Data:

Finally, one of the simplest ways to ensure that your data is always safe and protected is by regularly backing it up. You can do this with an external hard drive or cloud storage. This way, even if something happens to your laptop (or you accidentally delete files), you’ll still have a copy saved elsewhere. It can be easily accessed and restored with just a few clicks!

By following these simple tips, you’ll help ensure that your new laptop lasts for as long as possible without any significant problems.

5. Mac Vs. PC Laptop:

One last thing to consider when you’re choosing between a Mac vs. PC laptop is that it’s your choice – nobody else matters! There are good and bad points about both. This means that if you like one brand better than another, don’t let anyone talk you out of buying something because it’s your money at the end of the day.

So do your research about things like laptop price, ask around, and make the decision that’s best for you! Learn more about advanced tech from our other articles on the sidebar or below.

Alan Adams

Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.

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