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How to use Game Testing to help improve Game Functionality?

Gaming app testing ensures the app works as intended, runs smoothly, and is optimized for maximum performance. This method is useful for ensuring that the final result is error-free and up to standard in terms of quality.

How to use Game Testing to help improve Game Functionality
Game Testing Before Releasing

Before releasing a game to the public, developers and publishers go through the “game testing lifecycle” to ensure it is as bug-free as possible. Creating a game plan that details the actions that you must follow to ensure a flawless performance is the first stage.

The next step is to test the game in a setting representative of its eventual release to ensure that all bugs the developers find, they correct before the game is made public. The final step before releasing the game is to polish it.

Stage1: Development Stage

Leveraging a game testing platform’s service is integral to making a mobile game. HeadSpin’s mobile app testing services provide a way for designers to ensure their games work correctly before releasing them to the public.

Game Development Stage
Game Development Stage

Stage 2: The Testing Phase

You can only guarantee a game’s quality through extensive testing and multiple people’s playthroughs. For adequate testing, developers must adhere to a long list of guidelines. Building a test strategy is the first step in the testing process.  After you finalize the test, you must prepare the testing environment. It entails duplicating the game’s data files so players on other systems can access them. It’s crucial to have many individuals testing the game to spot problems as soon as they arise.

Beta Testing Before Release
Beta Testing Before Release

Once you’ve established a testing environment, you can begin testing. For thoroughness, testers may go through the entire game more than once to check for and solve any remaining bugs. They test game mechanics thoroughly to ensure they function as intended.

However, before the organization can release the gaming app, it must go through additional testing known as beta testing. Organizations will look for experienced gamers to serve as beta testers and task them with documenting any issues they notice during gameplay.

Stage 3: Post-Final Release

After a game is released, many people wrongly assume that their responsibilities are complete. However, this is a widespread misunderstanding, as games require more upkeep after being released for gamers to continue finding them rewarding and interesting.

Testing Methods for Creating a More Entertaining Game:

Functionality Tests:

It is a technique for evaluating games to check if its characteristics meet the expectations of the target audience. It emphasizes the “back end” or “functional” parts of applications, although it may also consider things like usability and branding.

Game Functionality Testing
Game Functionality Testing

In this phase, we look for any geometric errors, UI issues, audio glitches, or mechanical defaults in the game.

Ad Hoc Tests:

The quality of video games can be evaluated by an “ad hoc game testing technique”. This method is all about simple, self-contained, and fast-to-execute tests.

Ad hoc Game Testing
Ad hoc Game Testing

Ad hoc testing of video games has the advantage of not necessitating a large investment of either time or money to provide useful feedback on the product’s quality. In addition, creators can adjust a game after receiving feedback from a few players instead of waiting for widespread reviews.

You can execute ad-hoc game tests in various ways. You can survey layers about their thoughts on the game’s many features. One alternative is to have players rate their satisfaction with multiple aspects of the game from 1 to 10.

Regression Tests:

Mobile testing businesses invest much time into playing and improving games. What happens when they hit a button or adjust some code in the game? They’d have to restart the game to test out the new addition. That’s where regressive testing comes in.

Regression Testing
Regression Testing

After making modifications to your game, you should run it through a regression testing procedure to ensure that everything is still working as it should; this is useful for preventing the game’s user experience from worsening once developers make changes or updates. Manual regression testing is possible, but automated game testing tools are usually far more time and labor-saving. Regression tests come in a variety of types, each with a set of pros and cons.

User interface tests are the most prevalent sort of regression test. This test ensures that all the game’s menus and controls function properly and looks for any bugs or unusual behavior. Gameplay tests are another kind of regression test. This test determines whether the game’s various actions produce the anticipated result or unwanted ones.

Compatibility Tests:

Companies that test video games employ compatibility testing to guarantee that their titles are playable on various platforms. Users can play games on many devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, or gaming consoles.

By doing this test, developers can prevent publishing games that may not function well on multiple systems.

Security Tests:

With the ever-increasing demand, developers allocate ever-larger sums to create video games. Security testing procedures must be implemented to protect against players hacking the game and causing problems for other players. Security testing is about finding and fixing security flaws in a network or system.


It is a challenge to know where to begin when attempting to enhance the functionality of your game. However, that is no longer the case; through the various tips provided above, you can be sure that you can speed up the process by which you acquire first-rate gaming capability.

Alan Adams

Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.
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