What is CDPUsersvc and What to do if it Stops Working
If you have been getting high CPU Usage from CDPUsersvc or if you have gotten the “CDPUsersvc has Stopped Working” issue, go through this article as we have written in detail about what this service is and what exactly it does on your computer. In addition to that, we have listed different methods that will help you in case it stops working.
The CDPUserSvc is a system executable file located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup. CDPUserSvc stands for Connected Devices Platform User Service. The purpose of this file is to make your Connection with Bluetooth devices easier. Some users confuse the file to be a Virus but it is instead a System file that comes pre-installed with Windows.
How to rectify the CDPUsersvc windows 10 issue completely:
Method 1: Using the Services Menu
- Open up the Run dialogue box by pressing the “Windows + R” keys, in the Run dialogue type in “services.msc” and press “Enter”.
Typing in “services.msc” - In the Services window scroll down through the list to locate “Connected Devices Platform User Service”, once located right-click on the service and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.
- In the pop-up window change the Startup type to “Disabled”, and then click on “Stop”. Apply all the changes made and click on “OK”.
Stop the Platform User Service
Method 2: Using the Registry Editor
- In the Windows search bar type in “regedit” and press “Enter” to open up the Registry Editor window.
Typing “regedit” - In the new window navigate to the following address from the left pane:
- Now double click the “Start” value and change the data value from “2” to “4”. Once done close all the windows and “Restart” your computer.
Method 3: Isolating the Process through PowerShell
- Press the “Windows + X” keys on your keyboard and from the pop-up menu click on “Windows PowerShell (Admin)” to launch an elevated PowerShell window.
- In the PowerShell window type in the following command and press “Enter”:
sc config cdpusersvc type=own
Method 4: Creating a .bat file to Stop the Service
- On your desktop open up the “Notepad”, in the Notepad paste the following and save the file as “fix.bat” and make sure the type is set to “All Files”:
@ECHO OFF SC QUERY state= all>servicesdump.txt FINDSTR /L /C:”SERVICE_NAME: CDPUserSvc_” servicesdump.txt >CDPservice.txt FOR /F “usebackq tokens=2” %%i IN (CDPservice.txt) DO SET CDPUserSvc=%%i NET Stop “%CDPUserSvc%” SC Delete “%CDPUserSvc%” DEL CDPservice.txt DEL servicesdump.txt
Method 5: Installing the Latest Updates
- In the search bar near the Start menu type in “Settings” and press “Enter”.
- In the Settings window locate and click on the “Update & Security” option.
Update and Security - In the pop-up Windows Update tab click on the “Check For Updates” option, Windows will now start looking for any latest updates available and will download them automatically on your PC.
Method 6: Removing the Problematic Update
If you’ve started receiving this particular error after a recent Windows update then try following this procedure:
- Press the “Windows + S” keys together to open up the search prompt, in the search bar type in “Check For Updates” and press “Enter”.
Check For Updates - In the pop-up window click on “Update History” and then select the “Latest Update”, with the Updates selected click on the “Uninstall” button.
Method 7: Performing a System Restore
System Restore helps you restore your PC to a point back in time when it was working completely fine, so to perform a System Restore proceed with the steps below:
- In the Windows search bar type in “Create A Restore Point” and press “Enter”.
Create a Restore Point - In the pop-up System Properties window click on the “System Restore” option and select a date before you installed a program, once selected click on “Next”.
- Next, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the restore process and afterward check whether the CDPUsersvc Windows 10 error gets resolved.
Method 8: Using Windows Defender to Look For Malware
- Press the “Windows + S” keys to open up the Windows search bar, in the Windows search type in “Virus and Threat Protection” and press “Enter”.
Choose Virus and Threat protection - In the pop-up window locate and select the “Scan Options” menu.
- In the following window select “Full Scan” from the list of options and then hit the “Scan Now” button below.
Perform a full scan - When the scan gets completed then proceed to verify if the CDPUsersvcservice error got settled.
Follow the above-indexed methods in order to fix the error permanently but in case you continue to face any issues feel free to Contact Us here for more help.