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Run to Ground: How to Detect Cyber Threats and Protect Your Software?

In the digital era, we have experienced numerous types of threats. Today, all software is more vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks than ever. Cyberattacks can significantly impact your software’s performance, shut it down, or steal vital data. To prevent that from happening, you need to act now.

Run to Ground: How to Detect Cyber Threats and Protect Your Software
Protecting From Cyber Threats

If you have recently developed software and are looking for the best ways to protect it, we are here to help. Discover the best tips and tricks to safeguard digital valuables from the cruel online world.

Use Software Composition Analysis:

Using open-source components for your software, such as libraries and frameworks, can pose a high cybersecurity risk to your software. Although they may help you develop your software more efficiently, they may not be the best choice regarding security. However, there’s a way to prevent cyberattacks coming from open sources.

Implementing Software Composition Analysis
Implementing Software Composition Analysis

You can use SCA tools that detect your open sources’ vulnerabilities and teach you how to protect your software. They can help you develop efficient detection and testing strategies to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your digital valuables. SCA tools are versatile and can also help you keep track of licenses to avoid legal issues regarding your open sources.

Encrypt Critical Data:

Your software will contain numerous sensitive data pieces, such as passwords, financial data, addresses, etc. If someone accesses this information, they can endanger your software and its users. To protect your users’ data and your confidential information, you should encrypt it.

Encrypting Critical Data
Encrypting Critical Data

Encryption consists of hiding certain data sets under unreadable code or cipher. It prevents potential attackers from reading or stealing sensitive data even if they break through your security walls. If you use encryption, your users will trust you with their sensitive information and be more likely to use your software due to safety measurements.

Use Honeytokens:

When attackers access your software, they start scraping and exploiting your data. They’ll find fake information in these data sets, such as links, addresses, etc. Unaware of their faultiness, they’ll also collect this data, a trap to capture the attacker.

Implementing Honeytokens
Implementing Honeytokens

Honeytokens can help you detect unauthorized access attempts, data breaches, and other instructions. Before an attacker accesses your software, you can block their activity and send them away from your software. Honeytokens can be game-changers in cybersecurity since most attackers can’t recognize them and will likely get caught.

Use Code Obfuscation:

As you probably can’t read hieroglyphics, an attacker can’t read your code if you use code obfuscation. This method lets you turn your logical code into something completely irrelevant and incomprehensive. The attacker will have difficulty deciphering your code, leaving you enough time to detect harmful activity in your software.

Moreover, you can add irrelevant lines of code that will become the main focus in the deciphering process; the attacker won’t focus on the critical lines because the unrelated code will distract them. Combining this method with others will provide your software with the best security measures.

Test your Software’s Security Frequently:

Since there are thousands of cyberattacks daily (and the percentage of cyberattacks keeps increasing), tracking your software’s activity and seeing whether someone threatens its security is essential. You should run tests as frequently as possible or automate this process and supervise your software 24/7.

Best Security Testing Practices
Best Security Testing Practices

Running frequent tests will show you whether you are in danger and allow you to react and stop a potential threat. If you take this measure and test your software as frequently as possible, the cards will be in your hand. No cybercriminal will enter your software’s gate with this simple trick.

Implement Robust Authentication Systems:

Robust authentication systems may appear unnecessary, but they can significantly improve your software’s security. These systems consist of authentication processes besides the traditional email and password, such as PINs or personal questions only the user will know.

Software Authentication Methods
Software Authentication Methods

Additional authentication systems and methods will add a layer of protection to your users’ accounts, making it more difficult for potential attackers to access the users’ data. They’ll have to surpass all authentication systems to reach their goal. In the meantime, you’ll be there watching their every step and kicking them out when you detect them trying to access your software.


As the number of software systems and web pages grows, so does the number of cyberattacks. Like the real world, the digital world also has criminals ready to steal and resell your possessions for profit. However, you can protect your valuables by taking additional security steps and adding more locks to your software’s doors.

The tips and tricks will help you secure your digital valuables and keep them away from the eyes of danger. Moreover, they can help you catch potential thieves red-handed and get them away from your digital treasure. Remember to use multiple security measures for the best results.

Alan Adams

Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.
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