12 Solutions to fix Warzone Error Code 6: Diver
Call of Duty Warzone remains one of the most attractive battle royale games to this day and its popularity doesn’t seem to be coming down any time soon. However, since its release, the game has been plagued by some issues and one of those is the Warzone Error code 6: Diver which prevents the user from downloading certain updates required to play the game and this usually occurs due to blockage in the internet connection.
Why is the Warzone Error Code 6 Triggered on your Computer?
After sifting through user experiences highlighted on different forums, we concluded that the following must be the most important reasons due to which the error occurs.
- Outdated Network Drivers: In some cases, the network driver that you are using might have been outdated and this can sometimes trigger the “Warzone Error Code 6” on your computer. Therefore, we suggest that you try to update the network drivers and check to see if this fixes the issue.
- Internet Connection Issue: Sometimes, the internet connection that you are using might be facing packet loss or it might not be able to match the required bandwidth from the game. Due to this, the error might be triggered on your computer.
- Outdated Battle.net App: If the battle.net app hasn’t been updated for a while, it can also prevent the connection with the game servers. Therefore, we suggest that you update it to the latest available version.
Now that we have taken you through most of the reasons behind this error, we can finally start implementing the solutions.
Before You Start:
- Some users reported that switching from a Wi-Fi network to mobile data or using a LAN Ethernet connection resolved their issue.
- Sometimes Activision server is down due to routine maintenance or internet disruption. You can check the status of the Activision server by clicking on this link.
- Many users suggested that downloading and installing one of the texture packs you don’t have previously installed from the Warzone app should fix the issue.
- Users may get this error if their internet connection is interrupted as it could be caused by a problem with your router or a problem with your internet service provider’s server. Wait for your router to stabilize after restarting it and if the problem still persists, contact your internet service provider’s customer support team.
- Some users reported that not skipping the game’s intro cut scenes fixed their issue.
- Some users recommended that turning off the Static IP settings should resolve the issue.
- Many users suggested that closing down the unnecessary tasks from the Task Manager that are using more bandwidth might resolve your issue.
Fixing the Warzone Error Code 6:
Solution 1: Restart Your Internet Router
Sometimes simply restarting your device addresses the problem caused by temporary glitches, as this technique restores your connection and eliminates the numerous faults that occur in the device. To perform an off-on test on your device, follow the steps outlined below.
- Turn off your Wi-Fi router and unplug it from the power source.
Restarting Router - Leave the router in a powered-down state for 5-10 minutes, afterward power on the router, and wait for it to stabilize.
- Now, restart your computer, and afterward, launch Warzone and check if the issue has been resolved.
Solution 2: Update PC Drivers Using Driver Easy
Sometimes this issue can arise due to incompatible drivers in your system hence updating these drivers can resolve this issue. Follow the guide mentioned below to update your drivers using Driver Easy software:
- Firstly, download and install the software from this link, launch the software and afterward click on the “Scan Now” button.
Scanning Through Driver Easy - Now the software will scan your system for any outdated or problematic drivers and display a list of those that need to be updated.
- Download and install the faulty drivers, afterward restart your PC, and check if the error is still occurring in the game.
Solution 3: Update Battle.net Application
Some users face this error due to an outdated version of the Battle.net application on their PC’s hence updating the application can prove to be helpful in this issue. Follow the below-mentioned procedure to successfully update the Battle.net Application.
- Launch the “Battle.net” application and click on the “Blizzard” logo located on the top left corner of the window.
Accessing Blizzard Icon On Battle.net - Click on the “Settings” option, select the option “Game Install/Update”, scroll down the list and check the option “Apply latest updates and download future patch data for recently played games”.
Clicking On Game Install/Update - Click on the “OK” button, launch the game and verify if the issue has been fixed.
Solution 4: Use A VPN
Some users succeeded in downloading the game’s update file by using a VPN as sometimes the server through which the user is downloading the update is down, and by changing the server location, the user can gain access to various other servers that can be achieved by using a VPN. Follow the instructions given below on how to use a VPN on your system:
- To begin, sign up and download NordVPN from their website, then run the VPN software, scroll to the menu, select a server from the list, and click the “Quick Connect” button.
Connecting The NordVPN - Try downloading the update file when the VPN is successfully connected through that server.
Solution 5: Repair Game Files
Certain antivirus software flag the game files as suspicious, classifying them as viruses or infected files hence as a precaution, antivirus software removes these files from your computer. Repairing the game’s files through the Battle.net client’s built-in feature can fix your issue. Follow the instructions mentioned below to scan and repair your game files:
- Launch “Battle.net” client, navigate to the left pane, select “Call of Duty: MW”, click on the “Options” button, and afterward select the “Scan and Repair” option from the menu.
Scan and Repair - Scan and Repair Installation prompt window will appear in front of you, click on the “Begin Scan” button and then wait while the software scans and repairs your game’s corrupted or missing files.
Clicking On Begin Scan Option - Launch the game after the repair process is finished to see whether the error is still there.
Solution 6: Repair System Files
- Click the Windows Start button, then type “cmd” into the search box and press the “Enter” key:
Typing in cmd - Type the following command into the command prompt window and hit the “Enter” button:
sfc /scannow
Typing sfc / scannow In cmd - After the system scan is completed, restart your computer for the repairs to take effect.
Solution 7: Allow Access Through Windows Firewall
Windows Defender Firewall is a built-in safety feature in the operating system that blocks harmful/unauthorized traffic from accessing your computer but sometimes the firewall recognizes the game files as suspicious and blocks them. To solve this issue, the game files are added to the firewall’s exceptions list, therefore follow the guide given below to allow access through Windows Defender Firewall:
- Click on the Start icon, type “Windows Defender Firewall” in the search box, and press the Enter button.
Typing Windows Defender Firewall - In the Windows Defender Firewall window, click on the option “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall” located in the left pane.
Accessing Windows Defender Firewall Option - In the Allowed Apps Window, click on the “Change Settings” button, locate the “Modern Warfare” file and check both options i.e. “Public” and “Private”.
Clicking On Change Settings Button - And if the Call Of Duty: MW app is not listed, click on the “Allow another app” button located at the bottom of the same window and afterward locate the “Modern Warfare or Warzone .exe” file from your computer’s directory and add it to the list of allowed apps.
Clicking On Allow Another App Button - When the process is finished, restart your computer to see if the error has been resolved.
Solution 8: Temporary Disable Windows Firewall
Some users suggested that temporarily disabling the Windows Defender Firewall on their PC fixed the issue as sometimes it interferes with the game files, therefore follow the instructions given below to temporary Disable Windows Firewall:
- Click on the Start icon, type “Windows Defender Firewall” in the search box, and press the Enter button.
Typing Windows Defender Firewall - In the Windows Defender Firewall window, click on the option “Turn Windows Defender Firewall On or off” located in the left pane.
Clicking on the “Turn Windows Defender Firewall On or OFF” option - Customize settings window will appear in front of you, select the option “Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended)” in both sections i.e. Private Network Settings and Public Network Settings.
Turn off Windows defender firewall
Solution 9: Delete Files With Extension (.idx, .x)
- Navigate to the “Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare” installation folder, open the “Data” folder and in the next window, again open another “Data” folder.
Accessing Data Folder - Locate all the files with the extensions “.idx”, “.x” and “Delete” them all.
Deleting Files With Extensions .idx and .x - Restart your PC and check if the issue is resolved.
Solution 10: Temporary Disable Antivirus
Certain antivirus software blocks or deletes the game files on suspicion that can lead to this error. Temporarily disabling the antivirus software can resolve this issue, therefore follow the guide given below to perform this procedure:
- To begin, click on the “Show Hidden Icons” option located on the taskbar, and afterward right-click on the antivirus icon and open it.
- Click on the “Pause Protection” or “Disable Antivirus” option and select the “OK” button on the prompt window.
Clicking On Pause Protection - Finally, launch the game and check if the issue is still occurring.
Solution 11: Temporarily Relocate Game’s Save Files
Some users reported that copying and replacing the game’s newest files from the game’s documents folder fixed the issue, therefore follow the guide given below to successfully execute this procedure:
- Navigate to the “Documents” folder of your PC, locate the “Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare” folder and make a copy of all the files present in that folder and paste them to a new folder on your Desktop.
Accessing Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Folder - Now “Delete” all the files present in the “Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare” Documents folder.
- Launch the game and if any update is available, initiate it, and when the game starts updating, and it enters into the lobby and starts to load shader installation, “Quit” the game immediately.
- “Copy” the files from the desktop folder you just created and “Paste” the files in the “Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare” Documents folder and replace the latest files in it.
- Now launch the game and your issue should be resolved by now
Solution 12: Reinstall The Game
If none of the above-recommended solutions work for you, consider reinstalling the game from scratch hence to properly perform a clean reinstallation of the game, follow the steps outlined below:
- Start the “Battle.net” application from the desktop, navigate to the All Games tab, locate the “Call of Duty: MW” game icon and select the option “Uninstall Game” from the options menu.
Uninstalling Call Of Duty Modern Warfare - When the game is successfully uninstalled from your PC, delete all the remaining files from the game’s installation folder manually.
- Check if the problem has been resolved by reinstalling the game from the Battle.net main menu afterward.
Try contacting Activision Support if none of the aforementioned solutions work for you. The Call of Duty Warzone developer team can look into this, and perhaps they’ll be able to fix your problem.
If you are still unable to resolve the problem, please Contact Us for further assistance.