
How to Write a Perfect Cover Letter in Six Steps?

Are you still dreading creating a cover letter for your next job application? Are you convincing yourself by thinking that no one is probably going to read it? If you just answered yes to any of these questions, this article is for you! Here, we will be sharing a six-step process to create a perfect cover letter.

how to write a perfect cover letter in six steps
Writing a Cover Letter

The purpose of a cover letter:

A cover letter is an important part of your hiring process. Many recruiters accept that they do read the cover letters to make a decision. So, one must not think that their resume would be able to do all the work. A resume is like a highlight of your life. It showcases your achievements in a concise manner. But, a cover letter introduces you to the recruiter. It showcases why they must hire you, why you are interested in that particular job and what makes you different from other applicants. Cover letters are generally a page long and are expected to be clear and concise. Let us see how one can create a cover letter that is impressive and impactful.

How to write a perfect cover letter in six steps:

Step 1. Understanding the format of the cover letter:

The first step is to understand the format of the cover letter. I have divided the cover letter into six different sections as given below:

  1. Contact details: At first, you mention your name, contact number, address and email id. If you have a LinkedIn profile, mention your LinkedIn profile id as well.
  2. Address of the hiring manager: You must write the name of the hiring manager, if possible. Otherwise, just mention the name of the department and the company’s address.
  3. Introduction paragraph: Write clearly and concisely here to introduce yourself to the hiring manager. You can mention some of your greatest accomplishments in this paragraph that relate to the job that you are applying for.
  4. Body paragraph(s): You can describe your achievements in this paragraph, showcase how you have applied your skills in solving different problems at your previous work or simply talk about your projects.
  5. Closing paragraph: This paragraph is quite important. Here you can reaffirm why you think you should be hired for the position. Also, you must mention a call to action here such as ask them if they can set up an interview or a meeting to know more about the job and the workplace.

Step 2: Prepare your introduction correctly:

The introductory paragraph of your cover letter should be on point. If you are thinking about writing something like “My name is Steve and I am applying for the position of Fashion Journalist…”, you must think again because every other cover letter begins like this. Instead, you need to think of a punchline to grab the reader’s attention. For instance, you may write “My name is Steve and I am a fashion enthusiast…”

Step 3: Emphasize your eagerness:

You must seem to be excited about the job that you are applying for and you must reciprocate the same in your cover letter. No one is going to hire you just because you have the skills. They will hire you because you have the enthusiasm. Zara, who offers homework help says, “you should sound excited to take the job and work with the company. You might have to do some research about the company for this so that you can know more about their work culture.”

Step 4: Make your cover letter presentable:

Your cover letter must grab the reader’s attention in just thirty seconds! Seems quite impossible right now but one can do it. All you have to do is make sure that your cover letter has an easy to read layout. Use bullet points instead of long sentences. Include simple vocabulary. Divide your letter into sections or paragraphs. Use bold font for headings or underline important words. But, do not overdo these things as it will ruin all your first impressions.

Step 5: Set the right tone:

The tone of your cover letter also plays a big role in getting you the job. If you are writing a cover letter just for the sake of it, the recruiter would know. But, if you are showing enthusiasm, your words are matching the voice of the company and you are sounding positive, the recruiter might consider giving you a chance. Den, who provides marketing assignment help in Australia says, “You can check the company’s website and take note of what they value the most. Do they prefer humor or are they a serious organization? Then, use the same notes to create your cover letter.”

Step 6: Highlight your Skills:

You must write what you can deliver if given the opportunity. This does not mean mentioning that you are a team player or you have great communication skills. You have to add some explanation here. For instance, you can write how you handled a team and completed a project successfully on time. You may write how you used your management skills to raise the revenue of your previous company. Martha, who offers business assignment help to college students says, “if you have some numerical facts, it would be the best to include them in your cover letter. The key here is to let the recruiter know that you know how to apply your skills at the right time.”

Wrapping up:

Writing a cover letter could be daunting at times but if you follow these six steps, we are sure you will be able to create a masterpiece. We have addressed the most important considerations while writing a cover letter in this article. Start with creating a rough draft and follow the structure of the cover letter. Make sure you start with a great introduction and end powerfully with a call to action. Share your accomplishments with the recruiter and show them that you can handle any challenges that may come your way. Last but not least, do not forget to edit and proofread your cover letter before submitting it.

Alan Adams

Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.
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