
How to Fix the “Session “circular kernel context logger” failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035″ Error

A very common error sometimes appears in your Event Viewer that states “Session “circular kernel context logger” failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035″. This error is related to the dual-domain security identifier (SID) and it appears in the event viewer at different times for example when the user tries to print a document or the computer enters the screen saver mode.

Session "circular kernel context logger" failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035
Error Message

What prevents the “circular kernel context logger” to start?

This error message has been reported by s many users around the world and different reasons are considered to be the reason behind this error some of which are as follows:

  • Outdated printer drivers can cause this issue.
  • This error can be caused by the file named as setup.etl.
  • Insufficient memory errors sometimes cause this problem.

Pre Tips

Before going to any major solution, read the pre tips and follow these basic troubleshooting steps to check f the issue is resolved or not.

  1. Restart your computer because most of the Insufficient memory errors are resolved n the restart of the computer.
  2. Make sure that your system has a good Memory Management Tool. If not then install one because many software needs this tool to function properly.

What to do if you get the “Session “circular kernel context logger” failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035″ Error?

Solution 1: Run the SFC Command

If this error message is still appearing, repair the system files by following the steps given below:

  1. In the taskbar, click the search button and type Command Prompt.
  2. Right-click the icon and click Run as Administrator.
    Command Prompt
    Command Prompt
  3. Type the following command and hit enter
sfc /scannow
sfc / scannow to fix the Session "circular kernel context logger" failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035 error
sfc / scannow

Solution 2: Re-enable the hibernation

If you still can’t get rid of the error: 0xc0000035, follow the steps below and check if the issue is resolved.

  1. In the taskbar, click the search button and type Command Prompt.
  2. Right-click the icon and click Run as Administrator.
  3. Type the following commands one by one and hit enter. restart your computer after that.
 powercfg.exe /hibernate off
 powercfg.exe /hibernate on

Solution 3: Rename setup.etl file

If the Session “circular kernel context logger” failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035 error message is still appearing in the event viewer, follow the steps below and try to resolve the problem.

  1. Log in to your computer from the administrator account.
  2. Click the search button in the taskbar and type %windir%. Click to open it.
  3. Locate and open the panther folder.
  4. Now find a file named setup.etl and rename it to  setup.old.
    Rename the file to fix the Session failed to start with the following error: 0xc0000035 error
    Rename the file
  5. Restart your computer and check if the error remains.

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Alan Adams

Alan is a hardcore tech enthusiast that lives and breathes tech. When he is not indulged in playing the latest video games, he helps users with technical problems that they might run into. Alan is a Computer Science Graduate with a Masters in Data Science.
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